Thursday 5 April 2012

Erraryia Map

Hello readers,

I am aware I haven't got much of a following, if one at all, however I am not allowing this to be de-motivational for the simple reason it is to be expected at such an early stage in writing. So why do I update anyway? Quite simply, in the hope that people will look back on this in the future and see the roots of what I am creating, which I sincerely hope is a success; but that is something for you to decide.

Anyway, I thought I would show a bit of work; the map for the novels I am working on is nearing completion and though this may not be final, I am happy to show you the outline of this world:

Now, the more final draft does include locations and all the other essentials of a map, however I feel that it is too early of a time to disclose this. The only reason I choose to show the above now is due to the fact that for much of the world I remain anonymous, so consider this the start of a portfolio so I have some credentials in future...I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!

- Sam

Thursday 15 March 2012

An Additional Note...

As an additional note, if anybody has any suggestions or any kind of contribution they'd like to offer, please feel free to comment on any relevant blog posts.

The new fantasy world, entitled Erraryia (subject to change in future revisions) is in a stage where any of your ideas will be most welcomed and taken into consideration to include in the Erraryian lore. At a later date, I may also consider asking fans to compose art of the world so that I can see their own interpretations of it.

Also, please do not assume I am rushing ahead, for I am afraid you won't see any Erraryian novels for a long time in local book retailers (assuming I am lucky enough to one day get an agent!) but rest assured, once Erraryia is in a stage in which I can base a novel of, I will begin posting short stories for free on the Erraryian website (TBA).

I will keep you updated, thanks for reading!

- G

Upcoming Fantasy Epic

I'm beginning work on a new fantasy novel set in a whole new world, I understand there are probably not many readers on this blog (yet?) but if any of you have stumbled onto this site, if you keep checking back for more news it'd be greatly appreciated.

I strive to make the upcoming novel simply the tip of the iceberg of what is to come and plan to use it as a basis for the fictional fantasy world I plan to create.

- G